Friday, 15 July 2016

Yello Jos! Prepare for a double invasion with the Pulse Concert and Music+ Noiseless Party

Jos residents, youths in the environs, upcoming artistes, students, funseekers; this is for you! Your very own city will be agogon Friday with a double dose of fun; The MTN Pulse
Campus Invasion and the Music+ Noiseless Partyare coming to town with Skales, Tekno&MTN Project Fame export, Rubunu!


First off, the excitement kicks off at the University of Jos football field with the MTN Pulse Campus Invasion from 3pm. The party will then move on to the Varlaine Club at Rayfield for the Music+ Noiseless Party

Because Pulse is a movement and a lifestyle package, there are exciting gift items to be won. Three students on the Pulse zone will grab scholarships worth 1 million naira! Other lucky peeps will get to hang out with Skales, Falz and Rubunu at the Noiseless Party later in the evening.

To win these invites, follow @MTNNG and @_MusicPlusfor more info

So if you got your Friday planned already, well, it’s not bad, it just gets better with this! Be sure to turn up for this double header cos you don’t want to be told how it went down!


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